I looked Pasifika Festival on 8th and 9th March. I looked events Waitangi day previously, but it’s same.
There were 5 or 6 stages and There were sold clothes and foods beside there. I understood there were stages and foods but is it culture which is clothes?
Pasifika Festival’ meals
I watched stages while eating foods. I introduce eating foods. Firstly, this is Paneer cutlets.
I guess this is indian foods and fried potatoes. Sauce is a little sweet. However, it has chopped chili peppers so if you don’t like spicy foods, you shouldn’t eat it. I like spicy foods so I ate it so good.
Next, this is Hawker roll which is malaysia foods. This is delicious. This has roasted chicken, crispy cabbages, crunchy seaweeds, a little sweet sauce, sprinkling of flakes and chewy dough. This combining is awesome!
It costs $14 and it is cheaper than other foods because other curry costs $20.
Finally, this is ice cream. It is dessert which is ice cream in pineapple container. This taste is imagine. If I eat it again, I will cook myself because it costs cheaper.
Pasifika Festival’s show and garden
I watched show while eating foods. This is HAKA. I was fun to watch other shows and hear songs.
Finally, I want to the Fukuoka garden. Auckland has had a relationship to Fukuoka City since 1986 and it was donated 2017. It is small but it looks like japanese style and I felt comfortable.
Let you visit! I recommend it which we feel comfortable and nostalgy. If I have a oppotunity, I’d love to visit there. See you!
3月8日と9日にあったPasifika Festivalを見てきました。前にワイタンギデーでイベントを見てきましたが、内容的にはあれと同じですね。
Pasifika Festivalで食べたご飯
というわけでいくつかご飯を食べながらステージを見てました。食べてみたご飯を紹介してみます。まずはこのPaneer cutletsですね。

次にHawker rollです。こちらはマレーシア料理ですね。これはめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです。ローストチキンにシャキシャキのキャベツ、コリコリした海藻と甘タレ、おかかのようなふりかけにもちもちの生地が組み合わさって最高です!


Pasifika Festivalのショーや庭園を見て回ったよ
最後にThe Fukuoka gardenに行ってきました。どうやらオークランドは福岡市と姉妹都市みたいです。提携自体は1986年ですが、2017年ごろに寄贈されました。小さくはありますが日本らしい庭園で心地よい限りです。

採点: 55/100点
- I looked Pasifika Festival on 8th and 9th March.
- × looked → ○ visited または went to または attended
- 日付の表現はOKやけど、冠詞(the)が必要:
→ I visited the Pasifika Festival on the 8th and 9th of March.
- I looked events Waitangi day previously, but it’s same.
- × looked → ○ saw または attended
- 冠詞と前置詞が不足:「イベントを見る」は attended や went to
- 「前にも」は before や previously
→ I previously attended the event on Waitangi Day, and it was basically the same.
- There were 5 or 6 stages and There were sold clothes and foods beside there.
- × There were sold clothes → ○ clothes and food were sold
- × beside there → ○ around them
→ There were about 5 or 6 stages, and clothes and food were sold around them.
- I understood there were stages and foods but is it culture which is clothes?
- 表現が不自然。質問文にする場合はシンプルに:
→ I understand the stages and food, but I wonder if selling clothes is also part of their culture?
- 表現が不自然。質問文にする場合はシンプルに:
- I watched stages while eating foods. I introduce eating foods.
- foodsはfoodに(不可算名詞)
- 「紹介します」はI’ll introduceやLet me introduceが自然
→ I watched the stages while eating some food. Let me introduce the food I tried.
- Firstly, this is Paneer cutlets.
- Paneer cutletsが複数形ならareにする必要あり
→ Firstly, these are Paneer cutlets.
- Paneer cutletsが複数形ならareにする必要あり
- I guess this is indian foods and fried potatoes.
- × foods → ○ food(不可算)
- 表現が不自然。”Paneer cutlet”は「揚げたインドのポテト料理」と明確に伝えるべき。
→ It’s an Indian dish, basically fried potatoes.
- Sauce is a little sweet.
- × Sauce → ○ The sauce
→ The sauce is a little sweet.
- × Sauce → ○ The sauce
- it has chopped chili peppers
- 自然な表現にするならinsideがほしい
→ it has finely chopped chili peppers inside.
- 自然な表現にするならinsideがほしい
- I ate it so good.
- 表現が不自然
→ I enjoyed it very much. または It was delicious to me.
- 表現が不自然
【Hawker rollの説明】
- Next, this is Hawker roll which is malaysia foods.
- 「マレーシア料理」単数形のfoodに変更、冠詞theが必要
→ Next is the Hawker roll, which is Malaysian food.
- 「マレーシア料理」単数形のfoodに変更、冠詞theが必要
- This combining is awesome!
- 不自然な表現。”combination”を使うべき
→ This combination was awesome!
- 不自然な表現。”combination”を使うべき
- It costs $14 and it is cheaper than other foods because other curry costs $20.
- 比較が不自然。もっと分かりやすく整理:
→ It cost about $14, relatively cheaper than other dishes, as curries usually cost around $20.
- 比較が不自然。もっと分かりやすく整理:
- It is dessert which is ice cream in pineapple container.
- 冠詞と関係代名詞が不自然
→ It’s a simple dessert: ice cream served in a pineapple container.
- 冠詞と関係代名詞が不自然
- This taste is imagine.
- 完全に誤り。”taste is imagine”という表現は存在しない
→ It tastes exactly as you’d imagine.
- 完全に誤り。”taste is imagine”という表現は存在しない
- If I eat it again, I will cook myself because it costs cheaper.
- × cook → ○ make it myself
- × costs cheaper → ○ it’s cheaper
→ If I eat it again, I’ll make it myself because it’s cheaper.
- I watched show while eating foods.
- × foods → ○ food
- × show → ○ the shows (複数のショーを見たなら複数形)
→ I watched the shows while eating some food.
- I was fun to watch other shows and hear songs.
- 「楽しかった」は “It was fun”
→ It was fun watching various other shows and listening to songs.
- 「楽しかった」は “It was fun”
- Finally, I want to the Fukuoka garden.
- × want → ○ went
- 固有名詞は大文字 (Fukuoka Garden)
→ Finally, I went to the Fukuoka Garden.
- Auckland has had a relationship to Fukuoka City since 1986 and it was donated 2017.
- 主語が不明確、文が分かりにくい
→ Auckland has been a sister city of Fukuoka since 1986, and this garden was donated around 2017.
- 主語が不明確、文が分かりにくい
- It is small but it looks like japanese style and I felt comfortable.
- × japanese → ○ Japanese (大文字必須)
- 「日本らしい庭園」は”Japanese-style garden”
→ It’s small but a comfortable Japanese-style garden.
- Let you visit!
- 表現が完全に間違い。”ぜひ訪れてみて”は”You should definitely visit.”
→ You should definitely visit!
- 表現が完全に間違い。”ぜひ訪れてみて”は”You should definitely visit.”
- I recommend it which we feel comfortable and nostalgy.
- × nostalgy → ○ nostalgia
- 文法も不自然
→ I recommend it because it’s relaxing and nostalgic.
- If I have a oppotunity, I’d love to visit there.
- × a oppotunity → ○ an opportunity
- × visit there → ○ visit againまたはreturn
→ If I have another opportunity, I’d love to visit again.
- 文法と語彙の正確さが低い。
- 表現が日本語直訳すぎる。英語らしい自然な言い回しを使う練習が必要やね。
- 単語の綴りミス(nostalgy→nostalgia、oppotunity→opportunity)を気をつけて。
博多弁やけど、IELTS 8.0狙うなら、正確な文法と自然な表現がかなり重要ばい!