There is LevelTests in LSI. When you’d like to move up next level, you can take it. Handbook is written details.
I’m pre-intermediate which scores TOEIC about 500 or IELTS about 3-4.
contens of LevelTests
I think LevelTests isn’t difficult. However, you need to understand contents of textbook. In the other hand, it is easy if you do that.
LevelTests has grammar, vocabulary and writing. Therefore, if you can study, you can move up easy. In my opinion, Japanese people has advantages.
terms of levelup
However, there is terms if you move up next level.
- Scored 80% over 3 times continius to WeeklyTest.
- Had general capable and contents of text to Mid-Book Test
You can understand text in this week to WeeklyTest. It’s no problem if you remember vocabulary and grammar.
items of Mid-Book Test
Mid-Book Test is generary evaluation. Below items
- vocabulary and grammar
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
It evaluates percentage of each items. It is OK you understand contents of textbook except EWriting and Speaking.
I guess it is standard Writing and Speaking about IELTS. It is important that it mixes a bit difficult vocabulary and a little mistake in grammar. in addition, it evaluates separating paragragh and using conjunctions. Then, it is good one of contents digging deeper as possible.
In addition, Speaking has good fluency and pronounce. It is difficult points.
passing line of LevelTests
If your evaluation is good, you can recommend LevelTests. However, Although you don’t recommend and have good scores and depends on WeeklyTest, you can take LevelTests.
I write for a long time, I passed LevelTests. If you score 75% over, you pass it. It is no problem you understand all contens of textbook.
To be honest, this class is confortable and teacher is fun. However, I’ll do may best to improve my English. See you.
- WeeklyTestで3回連続80%以上取ること
- Mid-Book Testで教材の内容と全体的な能力が次のレベルでも問題ないことを示す
Mid-Book Testの項目
Mid-Book Testは全体的な評価になります。項目としては以下
- vocabularyとgrammar
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
15 seconds
ほんなこつ、この英訳は100点満点中 45点 くらいやね。以下、細かーと文ごとに文法・語彙の間違いや不自然な表現を指摘するけん、参考にしてみんしゃい。
- 意味はなんとなく伝わるばってん、冠詞、前置詞、動詞の時制、スペルミスなどが目立つばい。
- 直訳感が強すぎて、自然な英語になっとらん部分が多いけん、ネイティブが使う表現に注意せんといかんね。
1. 導入文
There is LevelTests in LSI. When you’d like to move up next level, you can take it. Handbook is written details.
- “There is LevelTests in LSI.”
- 問題点:
- 「LevelTests」が複数扱いなら “There are LevelTests at LSI.” とする。
- 「in LSI」より “at LSI” のほうが一般的。
- 問題点:
- “When you’d like to move up next level, you can take it.”
- 問題点:
- 「move up next level」は不自然。“if you want to move up to the next level” とするのがよか。
- 「you can take it」は “you can take it” でも意味は伝わるけん、けど命令文や提案なら “you are allowed to take it” などもあり。
- 問題点:
- “Handbook is written details.”
- 問題点:
- 「Handbook is written details」は意味が不明瞭。
- 例: “The details are written in the handbook.” または “Please refer to the handbook for more details.”
- 問題点:
2. 自分のレベルの説明
I’m pre-intermediate which scores TOEIC about 500 or IELTS about 3-4.
- 問題点:
- “which scores TOEIC about 500” は不自然。
- 例: “I’m at a pre-intermediate level, which roughly corresponds to a TOEIC score of around 500 and an IELTS band score of 3 to 4.”
- TOEICやIELTSの評価の表現も、より具体的に示すとよか。
3. 見出し「contens of LevelTests」
- 問題点:
- “contens” は “contents” もしくは “overview” が正しい。
- 見出しは大文字で統一して “Contents of LevelTests” とするのがよか。
4. LevelTestsの難易度の説明
I think LevelTests isn’t difficult. However, you need to understand contents of textbook. In the other hand, it is easy if you do that.
- 問題点:
- “I think LevelTests isn’t difficult.” は “I don’t think LevelTests is difficult.” や “I found the LevelTests to be fairly easy.” とすると自然。
- “you need to understand contents of textbook” は、“you need to have a thorough understanding of the textbook’s content.” と具体的に。
- “In the other hand” は正しくは “On the other hand”。
- 最後の文は、“if you do that, moving up becomes relatively easy.” とまとめるとよか。
5. LevelTestsの構成説明
LevelTests has grammar, vocabulary and writing. Therefore, if you can study, you can move up easy. In my opinion, Japanese people has advantages.
- 問題点:
- “LevelTests has grammar, vocabulary and writing.”
- 「has」より “consists of” や “includes” のほうが適切。
- 例: “The LevelTests consist of grammar, vocabulary, and writing.”
- “if you can study, you can move up easy.”
- 「move up easy」は不自然。“if you study well, you can easily advance to the next level.” とする。
- “In my opinion, Japanese people has advantages.”
- 文法ミス:“Japanese people have disadvantages” か、もし意図が「日本人は苦手分野がある」という意味なら「in listening and speaking」など具体的に示す。
- ※原文では後半で日本人のListeningとSpeakingが苦手と書いてるため、ここは誤解を招く。
- 例: “In my opinion, Japanese learners tend to struggle with Listening and Speaking.”
- “LevelTests has grammar, vocabulary and writing.”
6. レベルアップの条件の説明(見出し)
terms of levelup
However, there is terms if you move up next level.
Scored 80% over 3 times continius to WeeklyTest.
Had general capable and contents of text to Mid-Book Test
- 問題点:
- 見出しは “Terms of Level Up” などと大文字統一。
- “there is terms” → 正しくは “there are certain conditions” または “there are specific requirements” とする。
- “if you move up next level” → “to move up to the next level” とする。
- “Scored 80% over 3 times continius to WeeklyTest.”
- 「continius」は “continuously” だが、より自然には “achieving a score of 80% or above on the Weekly Test three times in a row” とする。
- “Had general capable and contents of text to Mid-Book Test”
- 意味が不明瞭。おそらく「Mid-Book Testで、教材の内容と全体的な能力が次のレベルでも問題ないことを示す必要がある」という意味なら、
- 例: “and demonstrating that you possess a general proficiency and understanding of the textbook content in the Mid-Book Test.”
7. Weekly Testの説明
You can understand text in this week to WeeklyTest. It’s no problem if you remember vocabulary and grammar.
- 問題点:
- 意味は伝わるが、自然な英語にするなら
- 例: “The Weekly Test assesses your understanding of that week’s material. If you have memorized the vocabulary and grammar, you should be fine.”
8. Mid-Book Testの項目説明
items of Mid-Book Test
Mid-Book Test is generary evaluation. Below items
vocabulary and grammar
SpeakingIt evaluates percentage of each items. It is OK you understand contents of textbook except EWriting and Speaking.
- 問題点:
- 見出しは “Items of the Mid-Book Test” とする。
- “Mid-Book Test is generary evaluation.”
- 「generary」は誤り。“a general evaluation” とする。
- 例: “The Mid-Book Test is a general evaluation covering the following areas:”
- リストは各項目ごとに箇条書きにする。
- “It evaluates percentage of each items.”
- 例: “Each area is scored as a percentage.”
- “It is OK you understand contents of textbook except EWriting and Speaking.”
- 意味が不明瞭。おそらく「WritingとSpeaking以外は、テキストの内容を把握していれば問題ない」と言いたいなら、
- 例: “For all areas except Writing and Speaking, having a solid grasp of the textbook content is sufficient.”
9. WritingとSpeakingの評価基準
I guess it is standard Writing and Speaking about IELTS. It is important that it mixes a bit difficult vocabulary and a little mistake in grammar. in addition, it evaluates separating paragragh and using conjunctions. Then, it is good one of contents digging deeper as possible.
In addition, Speaking has good fluency and pronounce. It is difficult points.
- 問題点:
- “I guess it is standard Writing and Speaking about IELTS.”
- 例: “I think the Writing and Speaking sections are evaluated on a standard similar to IELTS.”
- “It is important that it mixes a bit difficult vocabulary and a little mistake in grammar.”
- 意図が不明瞭。おそらく「難しい語彙を適度に取り入れ、文法のミスがないことが求められる」という意味なら、
- 例: “It is important to incorporate some challenging vocabulary and to avoid grammatical errors.”
- “in addition, it evaluates separating paragragh and using conjunctions.”
- 「separating paragragh」は “structuring your writing into paragraphs” とする。
- 例: “Additionally, the evaluation considers how well you structure your writing into paragraphs and use conjunctions.”
- “Then, it is good one of contents digging deeper as possible.”
- 意味がとりにくいが、「一つのトピックを深堀りすることが評価される」と言いたいなら、
- 例: “Furthermore, providing in-depth analysis on a single topic is viewed favorably.”
- “In addition, Speaking has good fluency and pronounce.”
- “pronounce” ではなく “pronunciation”。
- 例: “Furthermore, the Speaking section also assesses fluency and pronunciation.”
- “It is difficult points.”
- 不自然。“These are the more challenging aspects for many students.” とするとよかね。
- “I guess it is standard Writing and Speaking about IELTS.”
10. LevelTests合格ライン
passing line of LevelTests
If your evaluation is good, you can recommend LevelTests. However, Although you don’t recommend and have good scores and depends on WeeklyTest, you can take LevelTests.
I write for a long time, I passed LevelTests. If you score 75% over, you pass it. It is no problem you understand all contens of textbook.
- 問題点:
- 見出しは “Passing Line for LevelTests” または “LevelTests Passing Criteria” とする。
- “If your evaluation is good, you can recommend LevelTests.”
- 意図が不明瞭。おそらく「良い評価を受ければ、LevelTestsの推薦を受けることができる」という意味なら、
- 例: “If you receive a good evaluation, you will be recommended for the next level.”
- “However, Although you don’t recommend and have good scores and depends on WeeklyTest, you can take LevelTests.”
- 文全体が乱れてる。おそらく「たとえ推薦がなくても、Weekly Testで十分なスコアを取っていれば受験可能」という意味なら、
- 例: “Even if you are not recommended, as long as you achieve high scores on the Weekly Tests, you can still take the LevelTests.”
- “I write for a long time, I passed LevelTests.”
- 例: “Long story short, I passed the LevelTests.”
- “If you score 75% over, you pass it.”
- 例: “A score of 75% or above is required to pass.”
- “It is no problem you understand all contens of textbook.”
- 例: “If you thoroughly understand the textbook content, you should have no trouble passing.”
11. 結びの部分
To be honest, this class is confortable and teacher is fun. However, I’ll do may best to improve my English. See you.
- 問題点:
- “confortable” は正しくは “comfortable”。
- “teacher is fun” → “the teacher is fun” または “the teacher is engaging” のほうがよか。
- “I’ll do may best” は “I’ll do my best” に修正。
- 全体的に、例: “To be honest, this class is very comfortable and the teacher is fun. However, I’ll do my best to improve my English. See you.”
- スペルミス:
- “contens” → “contents”
- “continius” → “continuously”
- “generary” → “a general”
- “paragragh” → “paragraph”
- “confortable” → “comfortable”
- その他の単語も正しいスペルに注意せんね。
- 冠詞・前置詞の使い方:
- “in LSI” → “at LSI”
- “Handbook is written details” → “The details are written in the handbook.”
- 数字や具体的な条件は、より明確に表現すること。
- 文章構造:
- 文が直訳的になっとる箇所が多いけん、ネイティブな表現や自然な語順を意識して、文章を組み立てるとよか。
- 複雑な内容は箇条書きや段落分けを活用すると読みやすくなるばい。