I came in NZ and I didn’t eat unique foods. Therefore, I made something.
how to make kiwidip
Kiwidip is sinple. It is used potetochips. It is made of cream, soup powders and vinegar.

How to make easy. You mixed a can of cream, all soup powder and a small spoon of vinegar.
I tried various so I mixed a half can of cream and all soup powder. I don’t care that It was a bit strong. Some people feel they want a bit vinegar.
Potetochips is tasted solty so cream’s rich is mellow.
kiwidip seasoning
Of course, it is enough. However, I mixed other seasoning because they are similer to seasoning.
These are my feeling.
- sweet chili sauce
- delicious, I prefer spaicy more
- vinegar
- delicious, I prefer to add vineger more
- ketchup
- It isn’t bad but if you have chili sauce, I feel it is good
- honey
- It isn’t necessary because we feel sweet chili sauce is a bit sweet.
- soy sauce
- It is too bad because potetchips is salty
- yogurt
- It is no change if it is plane because it is rich.

I felt I mixed chili sauce or vinegar is better.
The end
Finally, I don’t sure I will make them because I don’t like potetochips.
It’s bad for health. I’d like to eat NZ unique foods. See you.
- スイートチリソース
- 美味しい、個人的にはもう少し辛い方が好き
- 酢
- 美味しい、追い酢は割と良い
- ケチャップ
- 悪くないけどチリソースがあればそっちがよい
- ハチミツ
- スイートチリソースは甘みも感じるので、特に必要ない
- 醤油
- ポテトチップスが塩味なので塩分過多で美味しくない、クリームの濃厚さと醤油のあっさりも相反してる
- ヨーグルト
- もともと濃厚なのでプレーン味だとあまり変化なし
ほんなこつ、この英訳は100点満点中 40点 くらいやね。以下、各部分ごとに文法・語彙のミスや表現の不自然な点を細かく指摘するけん、参考にしてみんしゃい。
- 意味は何となく伝わるばってん、文法の間違いや単語のスペルミスが目立つとよ。
- 自然な英語表現になっとらん部分が多いけん、もうちょっとネイティブの言い回しを意識するとよかね。
- 見出しの大文字・小文字や文のつなぎ方、冠詞・前置詞の使い忘れに注意せんといかんね。
1. 導入文
I came in NZ and I didn’t eat unique foods. Therefore, I made something.
- “I came in NZ”
- 「in NZ」より「to NZ」が適切。
- 例: “I came to NZ” または “Since I came to NZ”
- “I didn’t eat unique foods.”
- 「eat unique foods」だと「食べなかった」意味にならん。
- 「try local unique foods」や「sample the unique local cuisine」とするのがよかね。
- “Therefore, I made something.”
- もう少し具体的に「作ってみた」と表現するとよか。
- 例: “So, I decided to try making one myself.”
2. 見出し「how to make kiwidip」
- 見出しは大文字で統一したほうがよか。
- 例: “How to Make Kiwidip”
- “kiwidip” のスペルは文中で一貫して使うこと。
3. 説明文(材料紹介)
Kiwidip is sinple. It is used potetochips. It is made of cream, soup powders and vinegar.
- “sinple” → 正しくは “simple”
- “It is used potetochips.”
- 意味が通じん。
- 例: “It is a simple dip for potato chips.”
- “soup powders”
- 単数形か、または一般的に “soup powder” とするのが自然。
- 全体としては、“Kiwidip is a simple dip for potato chips, made from cream, soup powder, and vinegar.” とするとよかね。
4. 説明文(作り方)
How to make easy. You mixed a can of cream, all soup powder and a small spoon of vinegar.
- “How to make easy.”
- 不完全な文。
- 例: “It’s very easy to make.” または “The recipe is very simple.”
- “You mixed a can of cream, all soup powder and a small spoon of vinegar.”
- 命令形にするなら、“Simply mix one can of cream, all of the soup powder, and one small spoonful (or teaspoon) of vinegar.”
- 「a small spoon of vinegar」は具体的な量(例えば “one teaspoon”)を使うとよかね。
5. 説明文(実験的な分量変更)
I tried various so I mixed a half can of cream and all soup powder. I don’t care that It was a bit strong. Some people feel they want a bit vinegar.
- “I tried various”
- 「いろいろ試してみた」という意味なら、“I experimented with different ratios” とするとよかね。
- “so I mixed a half can of cream and all soup powder.”
- どのように変えたか具体的に、例: “so I tried using only half a can of cream while keeping the full amount of soup powder.”
- “I don’t care that It was a bit strong.”
- 文法・語順が不自然。
- 例: “It turned out a bit strong, but I didn’t mind.”
- “Some people feel they want a bit vinegar.”
- より自然な表現は “Some people might find that it needs a bit more vinegar.”
6. 説明文(ポテトチップスとの相性)
Potetochips is tasted solty so cream’s rich is mellow.
- “Potetochips”
- 正しくは “potato chips” または “potato chips” と複数形にする。
- “is tasted solty”
- 自然な表現は “are naturally salty” または “come pre-salted.”
- “cream’s rich is mellow”
- 意味としては「クリームの濃厚さがまろやかになる」という意味なら、
- 例: “which nicely mellows the richness of the cream.”
7. 見出し「kiwidip seasoning」
- 同様に大文字を使って “Kiwidip Seasoning” とする。
8. 調味料の意見部分
Of course, it is enough. However, I mixed other seasoning because they are similer to seasoning.
These are my feeling.
sweet chili sauce
delicious, I prefer spaicy morevinegar
delicious, I prefer to add vineger moreketchup
It isn’t bad but if you have chili sauce, I feel it is goodhoney
It isn’t necessary because we feel sweet chili sauce is a bit sweet.soy sauce
It is too bad because potetchips is saltyyogurt
It is no change if it is plane because it is rich.I felt I mixed chili sauce or vinegar is better.
- “Of course, it is enough.”
- 意味としては「基本の味付けで十分」という意味なら、
- 例: “The basic mixture is sufficient on its own.”
- “I mixed other seasoning because they are similer to seasoning.”
- 「similer」は “similar” のスペルミス。
- もう少し明確に、例: “However, I also experimented by adding various other seasonings for extra flavor.”
- “These are my feeling.”
- 複数形も不自然。
- 例: “Here are my impressions:”
- 各調味料の部分も見直し:
- sweet chili sauce:
- “delicious, I prefer spaicy more” → “Delicious – personally, I prefer it spicier.”
- 「spaicy」は “spicy” のスペルミス。
- vinegar:
- “delicious, I prefer to add vineger more” → “Tasty – I would actually add even more vinegar.”
- 「vineger」は “vinegar” のスペルミス。
- ketchup:
- “It isn’t bad but if you have chili sauce, I feel it is good” → “It’s not bad, but if you already have chili sauce, that might be a better choice.”
- honey:
- “It isn’t necessary because we feel sweet chili sauce is a bit sweet.” → “Honey isn’t necessary since the sweet chili sauce already provides enough sweetness.”
- soy sauce:
- “It is too bad because potetchips is salty” → “Soy sauce doesn’t work well because the potato chips are already quite salty.”
- 「potetchips」は “potato chips” のスペルミス。
- yogurt:
- “It is no change if it is plane because it is rich.” → “Plain yogurt doesn’t change the flavor much, given its richness.”
- sweet chili sauce:
- “I felt I mixed chili sauce or vinegar is better.”
- 意味を明確にするなら、
- 例: “I felt that adding more chili sauce or vinegar improved the flavor.”
9. 結びの部分
The end
Finally, I don’t sure I will make them because I don’t like potetochips.
It’s bad for health. I’d like to eat NZ unique foods. See you.
- “I don’t sure I will make them”
- 正しくは “I’m not sure if I’ll make it again” など。
- “potetochips”
- “potato chips” にする。
- “It’s bad for health.”
- もっと自然に、例: “They aren’t very healthy, either.”
- “I’d like to eat NZ unique foods.”
- もう少し具体的に、例: “I’d like to try other unique NZ dishes next time.”
- スペルミスの修正:
- “sinple” → “simple”
- “potetochips” → “potato chips”
- “spaicy” → “spicy”
- “vineger” → “vinegar”
- “similer” → “similar”
- 文法・語順:
- 前置詞(to, on, with)や冠詞(a, the)の使い忘れに注意。
- 命令文や説明文はシンプルに、かつ自然な英語の語順で書くこと。
- 自然な表現:
- 直訳調にならんよう、ネイティブが使う表現に慣れるとよか。
- 例として、”I experimented with different ratios” や “I decided to try making one myself” など。
- 見出しの整え:
- 大文字の使い方や見出しの統一感を意識すること。