First, after waking up, I watched game commentary videos for about 30 minutes. During that time, I also played my daily LinkedIn game. The games were Tango and Queens.
Then, I did my workout. As usual, I completed 10 sets of burpees and 10 sets of planks, with each set consisting of 40 seconds of exercise followed by 20 seconds of rest. After finishing my workout, I took a shower.
Saturday Breakfast
After my shower, I went shopping. I bought bananas, apples, yogurt, frozen berries, and a stainless steel bottle (which I purchased specifically for drinking protein shakes).
Later, for breakfast, I ate the bananas, frozen berries, and yogurt with a drizzle of honey. Normally, I have vanilla-flavored yogurt, but this time I chose a plain, low-calorie version.
Work and Afterwards
After breakfast, I worked. I fixed some SQL code, then created a new branch from the repository and pushed it to GitHub. I also created a pull request and am now waiting for a review.
Later, since it was already evening, I had dinner – a meal I had pre-prepared on Thursday. It consisted of a Belarusian-style potato dish and a stew made with mushrooms, onions, carrots, and chicken.
Afterward, I studied English lightly while watching game commentary videos and then went to bed.
20250216_What I Did on Sunday
The next day, I again woke up and watched videos for about 30 minutes. Then, just like the day before, I did my workout and took a shower. After the shower, I had breakfast—the same as yesterday.
Since I had no work on Sunday, I spent the day studying English. For example, I practiced phrases on a site called plyaphrase.com, reviewing the top-ranked phrases that are commonly used in daily conversation. In the evening, while watching videos, I ate the same dinner as yesterday. After that, I drank a protein shake and took two creatine capsules.
First, I had watched playing video games for 30minutes after I woke up. While I was watching these, I played games of LinkedIn. Games are Tango and Queens.
After that, I worked out. I usually did 10 sets of burpees and planks. One Set is exercising 40 seconds and resting 20 seconds. I took a shower after I worked out.
Saturday Breakfast
I went shopping after taking a shower. I bought bananas, appres, yogurt, frozen berrys, stainless bottle. I bought it to drink protein shaker.
After that, I ate breakfast a banana, frozen berrys, yogurt over honey. I had eaten yogurl tasty vanilla, but I bought it tasty natural light.
Work and Afterwards
I worked after eating breakfast. I fixed SQL then, I made new branch from repository and pushed to git hub. I made pullrequest and I’m waiting for reviewing.
I ate dinner evening after working. I ate prepared meal on last Thursday. These meals are stewed dishes made of chicken, carrots, onions, masurooms and potato meals like Belarus.
After that, I slept after studying English while I was watching playing video games.
20250216_What I Did on Sunday
Next day, I woke up and watched videos for 30minutes. After that, I worked out and took a shower as yesterday.
I ate breakfast after taking a shower. Breakfast is same yesterday’s.
I studied English because I didn’t have working. For Example I studied phrases about playphrase.com . I made sure phrases to use usual from ranking up.
I ate dinner as yesterday in evening while I was watching videos. So that, I drank protein shaker with two creatine capsules.
朝食後は仕事をしていました。SQLの修正をした後、リポジトリから新しくブランチの作成をしてgit hubにプッシュしました。プルリクエストを作成してレビュー待ちです。
Chat-GPTの採点(モデル: o3-mini)
→ 意味はほぼ伝わりますが、自然な英語表現や正確な単語選びに改善の余地があります。
"First, I had watched playing video games for 30minutes after I woke up."
問題点: "had watched playing video games" は不自然です。
修正案: "First, after I woke up, I watched gameplay videos for about 30 minutes."
コメント: 「ゲーム実況の動画」という意味は "gameplay videos" や "game commentary videos" がより適切です。
"While I was watching these, I played games of LinkedIn."
問題点: "played games of LinkedIn" は意味が伝わりにくいです。
修正案: "During that time, I also played the LinkedIn game as part of my daily routine."
コメント: 「日課であるLinkedInのゲーム」を明確にするために "as part of my daily routine" を追加するとよいでしょう。
"Games are Tango and Queens."
問題点: 複数形の "Queens" になっていますが、原文では "Queen" です。
修正案: "The games were Tango and Queen."
コメント: 一般的に、冠詞 "the" を入れて明確にします。
"After that, I worked out."
"I usually did 10 sets of burpees and planks."
問題点: 「いつも通り」とは「as usual」または「like usual」が適切。
修正案: "I did 10 sets of burpees and 10 sets of planks, as usual."
コメント: セット数を明示的に示すとより正確です。
"One Set is exercising 40 seconds and resting 20 seconds."
問題点: "One Set is" は不自然。動詞の時制と単位の表現を調整。
修正案: "Each set consisted of 40 seconds of exercise followed by 20 seconds of rest."
コメント: この表現の方が一般的で明確です。
"I took a shower after I worked out."
"Saturday Breakfast"
問題点: セクションタイトルなので "Saturday Breakfast" でOKですが、次の文を続けるときは、前後に区切りをつけるとよいでしょう。
"I went shopping after taking a shower. I bought bananas, appres, yogurt, frozen berrys, stainless bottle."
問題点: "appres" は "apples" の綴りミス、"frozen berrys" は "frozen berries"、"stainless bottle" は "stainless steel bottle" か "stainless bottle" では不十分です。
修正案: "After my shower, I went shopping. I bought bananas, apples, yogurt, frozen berries, and a stainless steel bottle."
コメント: 複数形や冠詞にも注意してください。
"I bought it to drink protein shaker."
問題点: 意味が不明瞭です。おそらく「プロテインを飲むために買った」という意味。
修正案: "I bought the bottle specifically for drinking protein shakes."
コメント: 「プロテインを飲むために」を明確にします。
"After that, I ate breakfast a banana, frozen berrys, yogurt over honey."
問題点: 語順が不自然。
修正案: "For breakfast, I ate a mix of the bananas, frozen berries, and yogurt, drizzled with honey."
コメント: 食材のリストと調味料の使い方を明確にしましょう。
"I had eaten yogurl tasty vanilla, but I bought it tasty natural light."
問題点: "yogurl" は "yogurt" の誤り、"tasty vanilla" や "tasty natural light" も不自然です。原文は「ヨーグルトはバニラ味を食べてましたが、今回はプレーンのカロリーがカットされたものを買いました。」
修正案: "Normally, I have vanilla-flavored yogurt, but this time I bought a plain, low-calorie version."
コメント: 意味を正確に表現しましょう。
"Work and Afterwards"
問題点: タイトルとしてはOKですが、セクションのタイトルとして一貫性を保つとよいです。
"I worked after eating breakfast. I fixed SQL then, I made new branch from repository and pushed to git hub. I made pullrequest and I'm waiting for reviewing."
問題点: 文の接続が不自然。 "git hub" は "GitHub"、"pullrequest" は "pull request"。
修正案: "After breakfast, I worked. I fixed some SQL code, then created a new branch from the repository and pushed it to GitHub. I also created a pull request and am waiting for a review."
コメント: 文章をつなぐ接続詞や句読点を適切に使い、正式名称のスペルに注意してください。
"I ate dinner evening after working. I ate prepared meal on last Thursday. These meals are stewed dishes made of chicken, carrots, onions, masurooms and potato meals like Belarus."
問題点: "I ate dinner evening" は不自然。 "masurooms" は "mushrooms"、"potato meals like Belarus" は意味がやや不明。
修正案: "In the evening after work, I had dinner. I ate a pre-prepared meal that I made last Thursday – a Belarusian-style dish consisting of stewed potatoes, mushrooms, onions, carrots, and chicken."
コメント: 説明を明確にし、食品のリストを正確に表現しましょう。
"After that, I slept after studying English while I was watching playing video games."
問題点: "watching playing video games" は不自然。
修正案: "After that, while watching gameplay videos and studying English, I eventually went to sleep."
コメント: 複数の活動を適切に接続します。
"What I Did on Sunday"
問題点: セクションタイトルとしてはOKです。
"Next day, I woke up and watched videos for 30minutes. After that, I worked out and took a shower as yesterday."
問題点: "30minutes" は "30 minutes" とスペース、"as yesterday" より "just like yesterday" などのほうが自然です。
修正案: "The next day, I woke up and watched videos for about 30 minutes. Then, just like yesterday, I worked out and took a shower."
"I ate breakfast after taking a shower. Breakfast is same yesterday's."
問題点: "Breakfast is same yesterday's" は不自然。
修正案: "After my shower, I had breakfast, which was the same as yesterday’s."
"I studied English because I didn't have working. For Example I studied phrases about playphrase.com . I made sure phrases to use usual from ranking up."
問題点: "didn't have working" は "didn't have any work" または "I wasn't working"、"playphrase.com" はおそらく "plyaphrase.com"、"I made sure phrases to use usual from ranking up" は意味が不明。
修正案: "Since I had no work on Sunday, I spent time studying English. For example, I studied phrases on plyaphrase.com, reviewing the top-ranked phrases that are commonly used in daily conversation."
コメント: サイト名、語句、文脈を正確に表現しましょう。
"I ate dinner as yesterday in evening while I was watching videos. So that, I drank protein shaker with two creatine capsules."
問題点: "ate dinner as yesterday in evening" は不自然。 "I drank protein shaker" も意味がやや不明。
修正案: "In the evening, I had the same dinner as yesterday while watching videos. Afterwards, I drank a protein shake and took two creatine capsules."
コメント: 順序を明確に、自然な英語に整えます。
正確な単語のスペル(apples, berries, GitHub, pull request, mushrooms など)